Friday 9 October 2015

Digital Advertising integrated self service kiosks

Self Service Kiosk Terminals can take many shapes and sizes,  are designed to entice users to interact in all kinds of mannerisms whether for purpose of providing information, vending, payment, directional way finding, providing health statistics, ordering, retail check out the list expands each year as new concepts launch but one primary factor that we see more and more is the importance of adverstising digital monitors that are integrated above or on sides of enclosures.

At KT ( our designers have worked on hundrends of projects all requiring addittional monitors of all varying sizes, the above image of a ref model we designed for a UK client we labelled X10 had in fact 10 monitors of which 6 were purely for purpose of advertising displays.

More basic versions as the one above shown labelled Aura could purely be a touch monitor with a slightly larger monitor above providing information on services the kiosk itself offer in this case for cinema ticketing dispensing.  It can for example display movies being shown or coming,  short promo clips of the movies at cinema and special offers on tickets or snacks. But there are also those as shown below
which are designed for outdoor public use, in this case at bus stops that provide a touch monitor for user to source relevant information on his journey and the main monitor displaying advertising which are managed by large outdoor firms such as JCDecaux, ClearChannel, Capital as some examples that manage brand elites of retail worlds advertising forey into public space ads.

Other versions can include health kiosks such as KT model i5,  being currently deployed in the Middle East in pharmacies and hospitals have simple advertising monitors installed that display latest pharmaceutical products that big brand medical companies wish to promote while the terminal itself provides vital health stats to consumers instore or in waiting rooms in hospitals. 

In fact according to sources at pqmedia revenues in 2012 were at $7.88 billion for advertising out of home a label they call DOOH.  Now that may not seem a high figure but if you cast yourselves back to turn of century their was very literally no digital signage advertising in market so in past 12 years to grow from a nurturing business to a multi billion dollar industry shows immense growth and the markets are expanding by each year as is deployment of self service kiosks.