Friday 26 June 2015

Product Spotlight Evoque

There is a general consensus amount leading industry experts that sports betting also better known as FOBT terminals are the latest gambling sector to be hit by an epidemic and KT Group was quick to realize this and develop its own range of terminals for sports betting.

One such model is our basic package labelled Evoque an allround metal cabinet enclosure which is able to support both contactless, cash and coin operations.  Dispense receipts and betting slips from a installed thermo printer and with KT expertise customisation is easy to redefine new cutting edge options that may present itself on market.

Evoque was designed by KT Group exclusive design partner Ziga Gorjup of Gorjup design and the partnership between designer and kiosk manufacturer is developing grown breaking concepts.

The terminal is designed so that it can be easily serviced from front access door and upwards lift monitor frame. Making the terminal ideal to be placed up against retail wall locations.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Product Spotlight Apollo Betting Terminal

Mother Teresa was quoted to have said "Be Faithful In Small Things Because It Is Them That Your Strength Lies" and in world of terminals the Apollo was designed to have a small compact foot print so as to fit into small locations but deliver a complete solution as a one stop source for betting.

As retail space costs spiral upwards and sports betting is on rise the market is primed for a compact terminal designed to facilitate payment by cash or coin and provide receipt and betting slip and is able to read bar code labels the 15 inch touch monitor provides a complete solution.

Price of a full solution is far more competitive than its free standing alternatives and price has always been a important defacto for retailers of any sorts and it is no different for betting companies.

 Designed by KT Group the Apollo is engineered so that it can easily be serviced as well as having ease of removing stored coins and cash inside making this an ideal compact workhouse for any establishment with cramped space availability.  Earn more and spend less a winning combination.