Tuesday 17 November 2015

Self Service Print Kiosks

Nowadays it is both green environment issues and fashionable that our technology sectors are moving away from use of paper but unlike other tech savvy industries the self-service kiosk industry still has a large requirement for printing paper from a self-service solution in an array of sizes.

Large format printers
We have today three means to offer a large format print solution in size of A4 which is either by ink, laser or thermos heat transfer print solutions.  The latter two are definitively the most popular as they are both quickest to complete print task when ordered and speed of print is very important in field of self-service printing.

Digital Photo printers
Kiosks have been sinuous with photo printers since the first dry lab dye sublimation printers launched on market. Industrial giants such as Kodak, Fuji have launched ten of thousands of these into retail space globally and KT Group launched its OEM version the K4.

Receipt printers
Receipts have been synonymous since launch of very first cash registers into retailers stores,  and there are certainly no stranger in a standard configuration of payment kiosks and ATM,  KT Group has a broad spectrum of payment kiosk designs such as APP, AMA and CUSB1 available all equipped with receipt printers.

Betting printers
Betting requires in most setups a print of receipt as well as a paper copy of the physical bet placed on a betting terminal,  KT Group range of betting terminals such as Beast, Whizz and Apollo all come equipped with a receipt printer.

Health printers
Health kiosks that have seen recent exponential growth in numbers in self-service kiosks for medical and health purposes on most occasions come with a form of print function that allows patients and medical staff to print out diagnosis, prescriptions or analysis’s of medical reports.  KT Group recently launched a health kiosk that prints out results for blood pressure, fat content, height and weight measurements.

Printer company
There are several large established printer manufacturers who specialise in area of kiosk printing,  such brands as Citizen, EPSON being most likely some of the largest but notable others include Zebra, SNBC, Custom engineering are all very popular brands for kiosk deployment.